PDL won the elections by a nose in front of PSD

PDL won the elections by a nose in front of PSD

The two parties are separated by a few thousand votes.

PDL won the first round of the local elections, in front of PSD, at a difference of a few thousand votes. But, the liberal-democrats lost two terms of president of county council (CJ) in front of the social-democrats and more local city halls.

According to datas released by BEC, after the counting of 99.99% of the votes, PDL obtained 425 terms of county councilors, PSD - 416 terms, PNL - 282, and UDMR - 89. The vote of the Romanians for electing the county councils (known as the politic vote) is very relevant for the final rankings of the participating parties at the local elections.

PSD won the most mayoralties PSD won the most mayors - 662. PDL managed to gain 473, PNL - 335, and UDMR - 148. Nevertheless, PDL is first in the top for the number of votes obtained at county councils, mayoralties or presidents of county councils.

The democrat-liberals obtained the largest number of mayor terms in the county capitals, in the first round (12 cities) and is tied with PSD in the number of candidates active in the second round (10 cities).

According to the results, the hold on the public of PSD candidates in large cities dropped dramatically - from the first round, the social-democrats obtaining only 5 terms, tied with PNL. The situation is more delicate for the social-democrats, because in the counties from Moldova - an area traditionally won by PSD electors - hadn't obtained a single city hall of a large city in the first round.

As for the presidencies of the CJ, PSD obtained, with less votes, 16 terms, PDL - 14, PNL - 5. The uninominal voting of the Cj presidents, in a single round, advantaged UDMR, which gained 4 terms of county councils with a consistent Hungarian community. The ethnic vote didn't apply in the case of the Democrat German Forum from Romania (FDGR), which won the presidency and the City Hall of Sibiu with the vote of the Romanians from the city.

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