Over two million Romanians want Mobile TV

At least 10 percent of all the 20 million subscribers of the telecom companies in Romania would like to watch television on their mobile phones.

The National Authority for Regulations in Communication and Information Technology (ANRCTI), along with the Ministry of Communications, have granted yet another GSM licence and a WiMAX licence, events that were most expected by the IT&C investors in Romania.

The first licence for high speed mobile communications is not available for the local mobile operators, which means that a new telecom operator could join the other five present in the Romanian market.

ANRCTI states that none of the present operators can bid for the WiMAX licence, in order to increase the competition in the telecom market and the efficiency of the services already in use.

Yet, Vodafone, Orange, Cosmote, Telemobil and RCS&RDS said the interdiction is harming the competition and suggested that Romanian authorities should think over the decision.