Nuclear power from BCR money

The state wants more from the number 3 and 4 reactors at Cernavoda, but risks to upset all the six foreign companies involved in the project.

Varujan Vosganian, the minister of Economy and Finances, said yesterday that the state's participation in the company that will build reactors 3 and 4 from Cernavoda will raise from 20% to 51% and will be payed by the state from the sums obtained from privatisations, like the one of BCR.

The announcement was mad a day after the company CEZ, involved in the project, announced that the negociations for the reactors construction were stopped, because the government introduced new terms in the negociations. The mixed company is going to be founded together with CEZ (Czech Republic), Electrabel (Belgium), ArcelorMittal Romania, Enel (Italy), RWE (Germany) şi Iberdrola (Spain), and the costs will rise up to 2.2 billions euro.

Initially, every company was going to own equal procents, under 20%, and some companies were already making plans with the obtained power from the nuclear station. For example, ArcelorMittal said that, in 2014, will reduce it's expenses with the electric energy (12% of the Galati factory costs) because of it's participation in the Cernavoda project. The state is risking

The majoritary participation will be payed by the state from the sums resulted from privatisations. "We have two billions euro from privatisations like the one of BCR (bought by Erste Bank) and we must not forget that Romania constructed by itself the other two reactors", said, full of confidence, Vosganian.

The government decision is in accordance with "a sociologic study that showed that the population wants the state to control this investment", according to the minister. Even though the government lost, in the past, more contracts and money trough decisions that required an increased control from the state.

An example is the deterioration of the relations with Gazprom after the state wanted to control a mixed company that was going to build the natural gas storage utilities from Margineni. The government officials that participated at the negociations in Moscow, in the time of PSD governing say that the larger price we pay for natural gas and the interlopers presence are caused by these disagreements.

WASTE We are losing power

The power distribution networks are wasting 12% from the entire electric energy produced in omania, according to Ioan Silvas, the supplying director of Electrica. He says that power losses totalize, every year, up to 6 TWh, 4% more than the average recorded in the rest of Europe.

Virtually, 30% of the distribution tarrifs payed by the eight supplying companies is represented by these losses that reflect the price payed by the consumers. The investment required by Electrica's electric networks and transforming stations is of 5 billions euro, 1 billion in Bucharest only. But Electrica has only 800 millions euro for investments, so in the next summer we will not escape the power interruption and tariffs increases.