No rush shown by companies in papers renewal

Just over 8% of all the companies have modified their constitutive papers in accordance to the new CAEN classification.

Under 10% of the total number of Romanian firms have actualised their object of activity corresponding to the new standard in economical activities (CAEN). According to datas published by the National Office of Comerce Register (ONRC), until the 3 of April, 83.846 companies have modified their CAEN code, representing 8.3% from 1.02 millions of Romanian active firms.

Bucharest companies transformed most contracts, over 23.000 firms have actualised their object of activity. The new classification is valid singe the begining of the year. The authorities have not announced a deadline for the renewal of the old CAEN codes. To encourage companies to bring their documents up to date, the Government gave a 200 lei dispensation, representing taxes for the constitutive papers actualisation. Companies, founded online

The new CAEN includes 272 groups of activities, 48 more than the older document, valid since 2002, and 615 categories, 101 more than the activities classification, valid until the end of 2007. The change was necessary for the administrative alignment to UE and international standards.The new classification brings new features to the classes name and numbering.

In approximately two months, companies can be founded online, according to ONRC officials. The documents necessary to set up a firm, together with a digital signature, could be handed in on the Internet, on the ONRC website. For the moment, only financial situations can be sent online to ONRC.