Florian Pittis died

Torn by the thought of a dignifying end, Florian Pittis died of a cruel disease, having his wife by his side.

Florian Pittis died yesterday at 15.15, in a reserve of the Alexandru Trestioreanu Oncology Institute in Bucharest.

A year and a half ago, Pittis found out that he had prostate cancer in terminal phase, but fought until the end. What is left behind is a model of dignity and courage through the way in which the one who was going to be 64 in October regarded the disease and chose to keep a total discretion about his health.

Prostate cancer is the most frequent form of cancer for men. Pittis was in the hospital’s evidences for a long time. In the last month, he was following a citostatics treatment. He was weak, almost 40 kilograms in weight and could barely stand, mostly supported by Anda, who was his wife for 12 years.

The disease advanced rapidly, making the artist’s state of health more severe a month and a half ago. The doctors described his last week as dignifying for a great artist.