EVZ Editorial: The Patriarch, alone against everyone

EVZ Editorial: The Patriarch, alone against everyone

"The reactivation of three bishoprics in Basarabia Metropolitan Church, that functioned untill 1944 and have never been closed, has generated, as expected, a tough reaction from the Russian Orthodox Church."

The same reaction came from several small churches, deeply connected to Moscow.

Yet, local officials of the Romanian Orthodox Church had a surprising reaction, with comments like: “The Patriarch brought the russian anger upon us”, or “Why would we need bishoprics in Basarabia?”.

Actually, after thirteen russian invasions, it’s quite natural for the romanian people to nourish a sharp phobia towards the russian people and an ancestral fear to Kremlin.

Alexandru Racu, a post-graduate in political sciences in Ottawa, dared to comment uppon the matter. He suggested that “romanians should have a lucid perspective in relation to the russians”. Besides some embarrassing affirmations, Racu said that Basarabia’s Metropolitan Church self-governance issue can be solved if both the Romanian and the Russian churches would retreat.

The solution is utopic and the author makes a severe confusion between the meaning of self-governance and autonomy. Self-governance is granted by the Ecumenic Patriarchy but must be aproved by all local churches.

To these days, self-governance is mistaken for ethnicity and Constantilopole has never aknowledged a multinational church. The problem in Basarabia would be solved through a peaceful coexistence of the two orthodox jurisdictions, just like in the orthodox diaspora.

A pertinent opinion came from Radu Preda’s article from “22” magazine: “One country and two churches. The problem of “canonic teritory” in the moldo-romanian crisis”. Even so, the article is self-contradicting: “The gesture coming from Bucharest’s hierarchs was unexpected, as it came without announcing the other local churches”.

There was not necessary, because the Metropolitan Church of Basarabia is in fact independent and a part of the Romanian Orthodox Church. Thus, the Romanian Orthodox Church is not ovliged to inform or consult other churches, in order to create bishoprics in it’s own canonic teritory.

It’s the same with our Metropolitan Church having to inform Jerusalem, about creating a diocese in any romanian city.

The issue of the Basarabian Metropolitan Church brought out the drama of some romanian nationalists. The former Patriarch, Teoctist was congratulated for reviving the romanian diocese in Basarabia.

Surprisingly, the current Patriarch, Daniel, is criticised for the same matter, because it bothers Mother Russia. This meaningless argument has led to some tragicomic situations.

Russian saints are worshiped in prejudice of romanian ones, thousands of reasons are searched in order to prove the schismatic, dissobedient attitude. The fervorous defenders of pure orthodoxism in Basarabia find themselves in the awkward situation of fighting against the Romanian Church, with the help of our natural enemies.

An alliance with Russia in order to „save the Church”! Our Patriarch is all alone against everyone.

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