EVZ EDITORIAL: The false humility of Elena Udrea

Mircea Marian, "Udrea does nothing different than to simply copy the methods through which PSD had handled, for years in a row, the electorate: free things for the poor under an intense media."

The TV station Pro TV is working hard to transform Elena Udrea in a real Mary Magdalene of the Liberal Democratic Party. As the sinner who washed the Lord's feet, Saturday, Udrea has left everything behind and went to rub the floors of a school in Drumul Taberei. The difference to the events that happened more than 2,000 years ago is that Udrea will run in a college in Drumul Taberei and her charitable action was filmed by those from Pro, who reserved her a generous space in a maximum audience news bulletin. Six days ago, the same television reported how Udrea cooked not less than 5000 meat rolls in cabbage, which were then divided, for free, to the pensioners in Moghioroş Park. Did someone say "electoral bribe"?

I understand that the executive secretary of PDL is not afraid to repeat poor performance of a former star of the party, Lavinia Şandru, which in the local elections of 2004, ran for the post of mayor of the municipality of Tirgu-Mures and earned less than 500 votes. The party helped Udrea and assigned her a college controlled by the mayor of sector 6, Democrat-Liberal Cristian Poteraş. Friendly televisions have put their shoulder, have popularized her and gave awards like "The bitter sweet". But Udrea does nothing different than to simply copy the methods through which PSD had handled, for years in a row, the electorate: free things for the poor under an intense media, arranged through occult ways.

Elena Udrea shows us that, however she has tried, she didn't distance herself too much by the person who promised us, sincerely, that in 2015, she will illuminate us whether she was or not Traian Băsescu's lover. Who posed in a fashion magazine explaining the "situation in which the verb to stick is more honored that to get out". I do not know to what helped her the fact that she had collected a position of university lecturer, teaches electoral systems and gives her doctorate in military science.

Looking at this case, I realize that I regret Mona Musca. Ultimately, what has the former Liberal deputy done? In her adventurous youth, she was mislead by those of Securitatea and she gave informations. After '89, she has not had the courage to come and testify. She sinned, without a doubt. But, if it were for me to judge, I do not believe that Udrea is entitled to give lessons on ethics and write on her blog that it can be reproached to Musca the "lack of honesty". Before judging, the leader of PDL should explain herself - "honestly", to quote her - how she got richer and how she climbed so high and so quickly in politics. And Mona Musca, even with its heavy past, she should not have been forced to divide backpacks to get votes.

But it would be interesting if Lavinia Şandru and would lead to an end her intention to run in the same college with Udrea. Ultimately, why should we pay the provider of cable television for a wrestling program between women, possibly held in a ring filled with jam, when we got, for free, an electoral campaign?