EVZ EDITORIAL: How does Olteanu beg for votes. In the subway

Mircea Marian: "On the verge of the elections, the Romanian politician is desperate to construct a new image."

Udrea is the housewife who crochets mufflers, Bogdan Olteanu became the exponent of the Bucharest inhabitants trapped in traffic, Tariceanu plays the role of the commuters in the to Titu, and Mitrea is presented as an anticommunist fighter and revolutionary. Individuals who typically do not move from the car until the driver comes to keep the door wide open are now trying to appear in the position of modest family people, overwhelmed by children care who spend their weekend hunting price reductions in the supermarkets.

Here is Bogdan Olteanu presenting himself on his blog: "We are a normal family. (...) We are dealing daily with the same problems of the people from the neighborhoods Bucurestii Noi, Pajura, Dămăroaia, Domenii: the lack of water, lack of subway and other means of transport". For the ones who don't know, Olteanu is the president of the Chamber of Deputies and benefits from a car and an escort from the SPP. I wonder when it was the last time he had to enter the subway, to get rid of traffic jams, and not to beg for votes. Moreover, the Olteanu's electoral site is a sample of hypocrisy, comparable only with Oprescu's phantasmagoric promises, before being elected mayor. Five goals are proposed by the candidate Olteanu to his voters from college 1: subway to LAROMET, green spaces, saving the Tineretului pool and the renovation of theaters Masca and Bazilescu. Almost all could have been resolved so far by his liberal comrades, in various structures of power. The Minister of Transport, Ludovic Orban, who is not granting enough money for the subway. The restoration of the buildings of theaters Masca and Bazilescu, both located in Bucurestii Noi, depends on the Liberals Adrian Iorgulescu, minister of culture, and Andrei Chiliman, the mayor of sector 1. Instead of making a fervent appeal, like "We want the subway in our neighborhoods", Olteanu had to ask his party colleagues Orban, Vosganian and Tariceanu to cive money for the development of infrastructure, instead of buying the votes of the pensioners.

This story shows how worried are the politicians about the first confrontation with the electorate. Over 90% of the leaders are created in the laboratories of the parties and ensured their survival through personal relationships and intrigue. Most of them remained unknown - not interested in notoriety, on the contrary, they wanted their business to stay away from the public eyes. In parliament have entered, hidden on a list, carried by a charismatic character as Basescu or Iliescu. Now, although the procedure for the redistribution of votes cancels the benefits of the uninominal, are fearing that they will be voted just by a handful of relatives and sympathizers and fanatics, so they will endure some shame. With all its sins, the new electoral law has the merit that it forces politicians to pass through the humiliations of the direct contact with voters. Therefore, I believe that all those who dream of being parliamentarians will celebrate along with Vadim Tudor when the Court of Appeal will suspend the decision by the government on the division of the uninominal colleges.