Weather deteriorates from Wednseday

We witness a capricious spring period. We hardly get used to the warm weather, that showers and lows return, then we the forecast shows slightly warmer days and then chill again.

If now we have a lovely weather, with highs of 57 F and winds of up to 20 mph, with isolated showers throughout the northenr and eastern regions or Romania, from Wednesday, we should expect heavy rains across the country, say the specialists of the Nantional Meteorology Administration (ANM).

It’s most likely to snow in the mountain regions and in Maramures, while in Modova and Transilvania there will be sleet. On Thursday it heavy rains are possible, with highs in the low 40s and lows in the low 20s, much lower than normally in this period, when we should have witnessed highs of  50 F.

„These temperature fluctuations are normal during springtime, in the process of warming. The cooling on Wednesday however, is caused by a mass of cold air, moving in from the northern side of the continent. This shall bring temperatures that are significantly lower”, says Florinela Georgescu, forecaster at ANM. Only at the end of this week may we see slight chances of wearming up.

Variations are also most likely to see in Bucharest during this week. If today’s forecast shows temperatures in the low 60s., tomorrow’s forecast climbs to 66 F and then drops to 55 F on Wednesday.

„Aceste fluctuaţii de temperatură sunt normale primăvara, în timpul procesului de încălzire. Miercuri însă, răcirea este cauzată de pătrunderea aerului rece dinspre nordul continentului, care aduce temperaturi vizibil mai scăzute“, explică Florinela Georgescu, meteorolog de serviciu la ANM. Şanse de încălzire ar putea fi abia spre sfârşitul săptămânii, mai exact de sâmbătă.

Şi în Capitală mercurul termometrelor va coborî şi urca de la o zi la alta, arătând, în final, temperaturi mai scăzute. Dacă azi sunt aşteptate maxime de 16 grade C, mâine urcă la 19 grade C şi miercuri coboară la 13 grade C.