The big weekly house-cleaning

Custom. After the campaign "The big house-cleaning" („Marea debarasare“), that took place Staurday in 110 cities, only 450 tons of electronic and household devices wastes were collected.

In November, at the campaign's first edition, were collected over 600 tones of wastes. "Probably, the Romanians focused more on the Easter preparations and choosed to clean or shop, and that is why we registered a lower mobilisation", said Valentin Negoita, the president of the gathering association Ecotic.

Starting this summer, this kind of campaigns will be made weekly in Bucharest and monthly in he rest of the country. According to the Minister of Environment, Attila Korodi, the campaign will be expanded to the rural environment.According to specialists, the campaign for the gathering of electronic and household devices, promoted by the Ministry of Environment, wants to inform the Romanians about environmental issues. "We must learn to take our own TV to the collection points, and not wait for the recycling day", syas Negoita.