WE CAUGHT KOVESI - Here is the proof the protocol PICCJ - RIS existed!

It has the number 003064 of 04.02.2009 and has been signed when Laura Kovesi was General Prosecutor. In its base, DNA and IRS have legally instrumented, in partnership, criminal cases. RIS officers were asking the prosecutors not to put on record the documents used in investigations. On January 2017, DNA was fooling the nation: “The is not, there has never been a collaboration protocol RIS-DNA and neither a secret protocol Coldea/Kovesi” (Document)

Disclosures – Investigations - Lumeajustitiei.ro will present the supreme proof that great corruption files from Romania have been instrumented at the DNA level – abusively – under the top-secret classified Protocol no. 003064 of 04.02.2009. This protocol is the birth certificate of the “tactical field” publicly recognised by RIS general Dumitru Dumbrava, who said that IRS monitored the criminal records until the final solution. When the protocol was signed between PICCJ and RIS, the heads of the Institutions were Laura Codruta Kovesi – General Prosecutor and George Maior, RIS director and Florian Coldea, First Deputy of the RIS Director.

The document presented below, in the facsimile, represents a valid top-secret address from 2013, sent by the RIS to the DNA administration, in which the information was transmitted in a criminal case which was under the investigation of the DNA prosecutors and is clearly specified that the mixed operation DNA-RIS is done under some articles of the “Protocol of cooperation between the Prosecutor’s Office to the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the Romanian Intelligence Service in order to fulfil the tasks for which they are responsible in national security no. 003064 of 02.04.2009.”

Lumeajustitiei.ro has the ultimate proof that big corruption cases in Romania have been investigated at the DNA level – abusively under the top-secret classified Protocol no. 003064 of 04.02.2009. This protocol is the birth certificate of the “tactical field” publicly recognised by RIS general Dumitru Dumbrava, who said that RIS monitored the criminal records until the final solution. When the protocol was signed between PICCJ and IRS, the heads of the Institutions were Laura Codruta Kovesi – General Prosecutor and George Maior, IRS director and Florian Coldea, First Deputy of the RIS Director.

The document presented below, in the facsimile, represents a valid top-secret address from 2013, sent by the IRS to the DNA administration in which the information was transmitted in a criminal case which was under the investigation of the DNA prosecutors and is clearly specified that the mixed operation DNA-IRS is done under some articles of the “Protocol of the cooperation between the Prosecutor’s Office to the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the Romanian Intelligence Service in order to fulfil the tasks for which they are responsible in national security no. 003064 of 02.04.2009.”

It is noticed that the title of the protocol is more than insane, because by law, DNA does not have any power of research on national security facts and IRS does not have informative attributions on acts of corruption.





Copy no. 1 ________of ________2013

To Mrs.

Chief Prosecutor of the National Anticorruption Directorate

Under the provisions stipulated in the art. 11, letter d) of the Law no. 51/1991 and in the art. 15, the Protocol of cooperation between the Prosecutor’s Office to the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the Romanian Intelligence Service in order to fulfil the tasks for which they are responsible in national security no. 003064 of 02.04.2009 and our address no 009073 of 09.11.2012, we communicate you the followings:

According to the provisions stipulated in art. 8 and art. 57 of the Protocol of cooperation between the Prosecutor’s Office to the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the Romanian Intelligence Service in order to fulfil the tasks for which they are responsible in national security no. 003064 of 02.04.2009, we ask you that the presented dates shall be destined exclusively to inform the prosecutor, according to the principle of “the necessity to know”, without being mentioned in the file.




Yours sincerely,


The collaboration between magistrates and intelligence services is prohibited by Law 303/2004.

Furthermore, in the document, SRI invokes secret articles of that Protocol and finally addresses secret the request that "the data presented shall be intended solely to inform the prosecutor of the case, according to the principle of the need to know, without being placed in the case file."

The existence of a protocol of cooperation between RIS and the major parquet on criminal cases violatethe Law. 303/2004 on the statute of judges and prosecutors which provides bans and severe penalties:

"Art. 7 - (1) Judges, prosecutors, nurses, specialized personnel treated as such and auxiliary personnel of courts and prosecutors' offices cannot be operative workers, covered, informants or collaborators of intelligence services.

(2) The Individuals mentioned in para. (1) complete, annually, an authentic statement, on their own responsibility under criminal law, in order to show that they are not operative workers, covered, informants or collaborators of intelligence services.

(3) The Supreme Council of National Defence verifies, ex officio or upon notification by the Superior Council of Magistracy or the Minister of Justice, the reality of the statements provided in para. (2)

(4) The violation of para. (1) leads to the dismiss from the occupied function, including that of judge or prosecutor. "

So, against the statute of magistrates and competencies granted by law to the two institutions, they signed a protocol between them cooperated on files, protocol about which the current General Prosecutor of Romania Augustin Lazar told the CSM that it is a disallowed " engineered", then ended by denying its existence.

In the CSM meeting on 18 January 2017 Augustin Lazar admitted: "There is no protocol which provides joint commissions or mixed teams or anything like that. There was a protocol in which they discussed the operational teams between the Public Ministry and the intelligence services but I always put the next problem: this protocol does not exist, I did not assumed it and we do not go forward with such engineering, so to speak, because they are not found in the criminal procedure Code, good Gods..."

How did DNA lied to the nation and then acted as injured.

We do not reveal yet the entire document, which refers to an important politician, but we remind you that no more than last month, more specifically by the communique no. 106 of 27 January 2017, the DNA had a nervous reaction to two published press articles (published on www.evz.ro and www.flux24.ro) and lied by claiming that "There is and was not any cooperation protocol RIS-DNA and no secret protocol Coldea/Kovesi ". We are well-accustomed to the DNA lies, but in response to two articles in such publications, by the same press release, DNA announced that it has notified the CSM "to make checks to ascertain to what extent, through the information transmitted, the judicial independence and the prestige of the magistrates are affected. "

Here are excerpts from that press release

27th January 2017 "


DNA press release

Referring to some information which circulated in the public space (information transmitted through some press articles appeared in the period of 25 to 27 January 2017 (in the daily "Evenimentul Zilei" - through www.evz.ro page - and on the website www.flux24.ro) presented as confessions about "manufacturing or the staging of some criminal files" or "prosecutions in order" made by DNA, on the initiative and/or involvement of some politicians and some people in the leadership of the Romanian Intelligence Service, as well as about the use of methods that exceed the legal framework, in carrying out their duties, by the DNA chief prosecutor, the Information and Public Relations Office is authorized to submit the following:

That information is untrue, offensive and absurd and aim to discredit the work of the DNA prosecutors being used as a ploy by stakeholders to formulate defences in public space and not before a court of law (...) The information above mentioned is completely untrue: the DNA chief prosecutor did not participate in videoconferences organized by the IRS, neither weekly nor occasionally and has no special terminals installed in office through which they could communicate instantly with RIS.

There is and there was not any cooperation protocol SRI-DNA and no secret protocol Coldea /Kovesi.

There were no prosecutors or RIS mixed teams meetings between prosecutors and intelligence officers in safe houses.

The criminal cases are handled strictly by reference to the Criminal Code, Criminal Procedure Code and Law 78/2000 (...)

Neither the Criminal Procedure Code nor other special law applicable in the prosecution of corruption offenses does not stipulate the implication of an intelligence service on how to obtain evidence in the criminal case. The evidence is given by the prosecutor and the judicial police officers under the delegation of the prosecutor. No information officer does not attend the hearing by the prosecutor or cop of a witness or the operation of a means of evidence (...) Therefore, the conveying of such untrue information puts in a bad light not only the DNA prosecutors, but also creates doubt hard to remove regarding the legality and the fairness of the entire judiciary system.

In parallel, DNA asked the Superior Council of Magistracy ... to make checks in order to ascertain to what extent, by the information transmitted, the independence of the judiciary system and the prestige of the magistrates are affected."

Lumeajustitiei.ro asks to the Parliamentary Committee to seek control over RIS and PICCJ RIS Protocol. 003064 of 02.04.2009 and to make it public, and to ask the competent institutions to apply sanctions, which shall be imposed. Justice cannot be done except by law, and not on the secret protocols of collaboration. (Translation of an electronic document from Romanian into English, document found at: https://www.luju.ro/dezvaluiri/anchete/am-prins-o-pe-kovesi-iata-protocolulpiccjsri- are-numarul-003064-din-4-02-2009-si-a-fost-semnat-cand-procurorgeneralera- laura-kovesi-in-baza-lui-dna-si-sri-au-instrumentat-ilegal-inparteneriatdosare- penale-ofiterii-sri-cereau-procurorilor-sa-nu-puna-)