MIRCEA MARIAN: "It's a chance, which gets clearer every day , that PDL will lose the elections in Bucharest".
Oprescu could defeat, in the second turn, Vasile Blaga, and at the sectors the only democrat-liberal who is sure of his victory is Liviu Negoita. Maybe, in the country, Basescu's men will obtain better results, but a defeat in the Capital will have a disastrous psychological effect. Boc, Blaga, Videanu and their entire team are on the way of paying dearly their four years of arrogance, when they thought it was enough to hide behind the Romanian president, to chew slogans and act, too often, like PSD members.
PDL leaders didn't understand that it is a very large level of acceptance from the population, who wants to be convinced that this is the party which stands for the anti corruption fight and the political class renewal. For example, you can't criticize Adian Nastase because he always delayed his appearance in front of the judges, but to ignore the fact that the mayor of Arad, Gheorghe Falca, executive secretary of PDL, is postponing his DNA trial with the help of an intimation addressed to the Constitutional Court. It is not acceptable to pose as victim of PSD's recruiting s between 2001 and 2004, but after that to proceed in the same way and, in the absence of it's own members reserve, to steal candidates from other parties.
What is happening in Bucharest with PDL is symptomatic. The fact that the former PSD mayor of sector 1, Vasile Gherasim, was mingled on the candidate lists for the General Council of Bucharest (CGMB) represents for me a defyial to those who, in 2004, voted, at Traian Basescu's advice, for the alliance D.A. and against PSD. On the PDl list, Gherasim is holding the eight position - eligible. Now we understand why PDL leaders ignored president Basescu's advice and hadn't publicly presented the CV and the interest declarations of those who will be part of CGMB. At the sectors, excepting Negoita, the party's candidates are weak and unconvincing. Their campaign is to catch up PDL's success in sector 3.All these are burdening Blaga, because he leads the organization in Bucharest and, in the moment he accepted to candidate for general mayor, he had he possibility to make his own team. On the first page of Blaga's website writes that "transparency will (...) eliminate corruption". He is perfectly right and that is why PDL refused to tell us who will be part of CGMB or of the sectors' councils.
Of course, it can be said: is it preferable to choose the PSD councilor Doru Giugulea, former member of Ceausescu's oppressive devices? Or the Manchurian candidate Sorin Oprescu? Or maybe the cricket Orban, who will lead the Capital singing? I am fed up to be the prisoner of the slogan - recited with joy by the candidates - which states that, in politics, you always choose "the lesser evil". I am keeping my option, between so many shades of evil, of not choosing at all.