DOCUMENT - The proof that the protocol between the Prosecutor’s Office and the RIS existed

Amazing discovery of the National Anticorruption Directorate and the Romanian Intelligence Service to the forefront.

Although Laura Codruţa Kovesi denied, the GPO-SRI protocol existed. There is a document in this regard. presents the Protocol signed on 04/02/2009, when Kovesi was General Prosecutor.

Under this protocol, DNA and RIS have investigated, in partnership, criminal cases, says the source. The RIS officers asked the prosecutors not to put on record the documents used in the investigation. On January 2017, the DNA claimed that there was no such act. "There is and there was not any cooperation protocol RIS-DNA and no Coldea / Kovesi secret protocol " the prosecutors said.

The ones from argue that this protocol is the birth certificate of the "tactical field" publicly acknowledged by General Dumitru Dumbrava, who added that RIS investigated criminal cases until the final solution. Upon the signing of the protocol between GPO and RIS, the heads of the institutions were Laura Codruta Kovesi – General Prosecutor and the RIS director George Maior and Florian Coldea, the first deputy director of RIS. The document is a top secret address of 2013, sent by the RIS to the DNA leadership, in which there was transmitted the information in a criminal case found under the investigation of the DNA prosecutors and is clearly specified that the joint operation DNA-RIS is run in compliance with articles from “Protocol of Cooperation between the Prosecutor’s Office to the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the Romanian Intelligence Service in order to fulfil their tasks in national security no. 003064 of 02.04.2009”.








Copy no. 1 ________of ________2013


To Mrs.


Chief Prosecutor of the National Anticorruption Directorate


Under the provisions stipulated in the art. 11, letter d) of the Law no. 51/1991 and in the art. 15, the Protocol of cooperation between the Prosecutor’s Office to the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the Romanian Intelligence Service in order to fulfil the tasks for which they are responsible in national security no. 003064 of 02.04.2009 and our address no 009073 of 09.11.2012, we communicate you the followings:

According to the provisions stipulated in art. 8 and art. 57 of the Protocol of cooperation between the Prosecutor’s Office to the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the Romanian Intelligence Service in order to fulfil the tasks for which they are responsible in national security no. 003064 of 02.04.2009, we ask you that the presented dates shall be destined exclusively to inform the prosecutor, according to the principle of “the necessity to know”, without being mentioned in the file.


Yours sincerely,