Car tax, modified today

The car tax formula could be modified today, when the government will discuss the suggestions resulted from the public hearing that took place a few weeks ago.

According to governamental sources, the changes will not be major because "the recommendations that we received are contradictory and there were no majoritary proposals".

Prime-Minister Calin Popescu-Tariceanu said on Saturady, in a televised show, that one of the changes reffers to the offering of bonuses for cassation and for old buses, used for public transport. "We are analysing a recommendation, and today we will have to decide about it, about the cassation or old buses retrieval bonuses, including the vehicles in the public service, given from the Environment Budget for the renewal of the car park", said Tariceanu.

The cassation bonus is granted, now, to the owners of cars that are older than 12 years, that receive 4.000 lei in exchange of their old car, as an advance for the purchase of a new car.