Anti-Basescu Coalition Forbids Voting In Railway Stations

High ranking officials within the Ministry of Administration and Home Affairs said that they cannot take any measures to prevent “electoral tourism”.

Sufficient measures to encourage fraud! This is the only way to interpret the authorities’ way of organizing the referendum on dismissing Romania’s suspended President, Traian Basescu, on May 19.

On the one side, minister Cristian David said that electoral tourism cannot be prevented , therefore “ we do not have means to prevent frauds!”. On the other, even people voting three or four rimes risk to have a criminal record, their votes will not be cancelled.

Furthermore, there will be less voting offices  than for the 2004 Presidential elections or the referendum on modifying the Constitution, in 2003. Romanians will not be able to vote in railway stations or airports, only on supplementary lists at the establisged voting offices.