EU Blames Romania For Used Cars Registration Taxes

EU Blames Romania For Used Cars Registration Taxes

The European Committee says that the used cars registration  taxes interferes with the free circulation of merchandise.

The European Committee(EC)  maintains its position towards  the issue of the used cars registration tax . EC representatives say it is incompatible with  the some stipulations in the European Treaty  regarding free circulation of merchandise .

The used cars’ registration tax was introduced in the new Fiscal Code that was enacted as of January 1.

“The Committee will take the matter into consideration in order to evaluate weather or not  there is a breach of the member state attributions by Romania  ”, said  Maria Assimakopoulu, spokeswoman for the EC’s Commissioner for Taxation and Customs, Laszlo Kovacs.

The Commissioner said that a clear position from the Committee will be announced by March.

Romania is not the first state that  risks getting involved  in a legal dispute at the European Court for Justice because it discourages the import of used cars. The first state that was sanctioned by the EU was Denmark followed by Poland, Hungary, Czech republic and Austria.

The tax was initiated by the Romanian Ministry of Environment motivating the fear of an invasion of  used cars, as it happened in Poland.  

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