Romania is fifth from the 27 member states of the European Union on the chapter of the independence to the external energetic resources, according to data released by the Bureau of Statistics of the European Commission, Eurostat.
With only 29% from the necessary imported energy we are surpassed in the top by Denmark, Poland, Great Britain and Czech Republic.
The most vulnerable countries are Cyprus (which has imports larger than the consume), Malta, Luxembourg and Ireland, with imports of over 90% from the entire consumed energy. Russia and, in a smaller proportion Norway, are the most important sources of fueling of the community block, assuring together 50% of the oil and 63% of the natural gases necessary for the Eu.
The Union is based on the energy produced by the nuclear plants (29% from the total), followed by coal and natural gases, regenerated resources are representing only 15% from the produced energy.
The announced energetic projects could diminish even more Romania's addiction to the external resources. Reactors 3 and 4 from Cernavoda will double from 2013 the capacity of production of the nuclear energy from Romania, the authorities considering the construction of a second nuclear plant. Investments in thermo plants and eolian fields will bring a new capacity of production, and projects like the gas pipe Nabucco, the oil pipe Constanta-Trieste or the under sea cable which will connect us to Turkey will diminish the addiction of Russian resources.