Thermo energy makes Romania more attractive

Thermo energy makes Romania more attractive

The Italian company Edison, that are not yet active on the Romanian market, wants to produce electric energy through the construction of a thermo central of 1.000 MW in the Galati area.

The investment could reach a billion euro, said Maria Popa, partner in the law house Voicu si Filipescu. "Galati is a port-city at the Danube and this facilitates the imports for the thermo central", said Popa. Seen until now as "the Cinderellas" of the energetic field because of the old installations that were producing expensive energy, the thermo units came back in the investors attention.

In the Galati area, companies like Arcelor Mittal, Enel and Gaz de France want to build thermo centrals. In the neighbor city, at Braila, Termoelectrica together with E.ON and Enel will build a thermo central on coal of 800 MW until 2014. With all these, Edison already feels some obstructions in its co-operation with the Romanian state.

"Edison was interested by an association with Termoelectrica, but it gave up because Termoelectrica wanted a guaranteed profit rate", said Popa. The Italian company proposed a two year term for these projects and could leave if an another country will offer more attractive conditions. "Macedonia, for example, has better conditions in the partnerships with the state", said the lawyer from Voicu si Filipescu.

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