EVZ EDITORIAL: Oprescu is insulting our intelligence

EVZ EDITORIAL: Oprescu is insulting our intelligence

IOANA LUPEA: "Oprescu is insulting the electors reason."

Assimilating all the common places on the "mineriad" from June 14 and 15, the candidate of the OSD-PRM alliance pretends that he would consider it as "blamable". But how can you honestly believe that the "mineriad" was an action "which did only bad to Romania and Bucharest", when you joined his author Ion Iliescu, after the harm has been done? Sorin Oprescu had the possibility to detach himself from the actions of the former president at the local elections from 1998 and 2000. Not to remember that in 1999, when the troops of miners were heading rapidly towards Bucharest to chase Emil Constantinescu put of Cotroceni, he was together with Miron Cozma's kibitz, Ion Iliescu. Finally, how can you convince someone that this is truly your opinion, when in the second elections round you are supported by Ion Iliescu and Corneliu Vadim Tudor.

Sorin Oprescu is committing crimes against logics, in cold blood. He is criticizing the "mineriads", but he appreciates Iliescu for maintaining "the social balance". He is building a suspended highway because he dreamt it and circular ring parallel to the highway. He is betting probably on the fact that he is speaking not to reason, but to emotions, that the owners of a critic spirit, if they would come to vote on June 14, they won't vote for him either way.

Monday, he didn't try to hide his manipulative intentions in a more subtle speech. Speaking about the situation in Bucharest, he ignored Traian Basescu, even now considered one of the best mayors of the city. He flattered Ludovic Orban - in a quite offensive manner for the liberal leader - in order to lure his voters. Oprescu has an only concern in this electoral campaign: to communicate to his voters or to his possible voters just what they are expecting, delivering them nothing else but their own opinions.

How much does it matter for this type of electorate the information that Sorin Oprescu is not independent anymore, and his candidateship is supported by PSD and PRM? The electoral campaign is carries on in an echo room, the voters will take in consideration only the news which are reinforcing their existing beliefs. The elector who voted Oprescu with the belief that he is independent will prefer to ignore the information about his support from PSD and PRM in the second round. Because the one who identified himself with Oprescu's language and behavior will not count.

On the background, Sorin Oprescu is the representation of the Bucharest inhabitant that toots the horn like a lunatic when, stuck in traffic, you can't go left or right. Of the one who cuts your path and insults you because you're not paying attention. Of the one who enters the subway with brass, hitting the passengers that are preparing to exit. Of the Bucharest inhabitant who wants to be the gang's favorite because he is more cunning and knows how to beat people up. The neurotic Bucharest needs a master, who wakes up when he wants to, swears when he wants and does what he wants, not a mayor.

The populists shortcoming is that they are invoking the peoples wishes in order to win the function just for the sake of the function, and not for realizing them. Those who know him don't come to vote.

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